Mun G

Mun G critiques rushed music production trends today

Luga Flow rapper, Mun G has expressed concerns about the rapid pace of music production in today’s industry, comparing it unfavorably to the more detailed approach back in the day.

He urges that the ease of internet-based music distribution has led to a habit of rushed releases, sacrificing the music quality for quick hits.

According to the rapper, artists now spend a few minutes in the studio, coming up with songs for immediate release. Mun G notes that this trend is not unique to our local industry but cuts across the globe where artists seek instant success while ignoring the depth and longevity of music.

Recently, legendary band singer Irene Namatovu claimed that good music stands the test of time, even when the artist takes a long time without releasing new content.

Mun G in support of her statement, likened music creation to art, emphasizing that the time and effort invested in crafting a piece is seen in its quality and impact.

Mun G
Artists these days take the shortest time in the studio. Studios are so accessible; songwriters think one word is enough. Generally, the music is rushed. They think that if you decide to sing funny songs, they have to be simple musically. But music is supposed to have that aroma that is why they stay for a long time.

People hit the studio for three minutes and release the song after 2 hours. It is international and cuts across Nigeria, South Africa, America, and all over the world, the internet simplified music. That is why people consume the songs at a fast rate but abandon it easily.

Artists in those days took their time in the studio because music is art. It’s like painting, someone who has rushed through the creativity will be different, same goes for music. You will tell when someone has spent quality time on a song and one who has not. Surprisingly they have the talent but they rush the music because they are chasing after a hit song. That is why they end up lasting for two weeks,” Mun G said.

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