Mr. Henrie, Geosteady

“I Could Not Stand Seeing You With Prima Kadarshi” – Geosteady On Why He Blocked Mr. Henrie

Geosteady and radio personality Mr. Henrie have finally put aside their differences and made amends after years of publicly embarrassing each other.

The two had previously been involved in a bitter dispute, frequently throwing shots at each other on social media because of a woman.

The beef between the two came from a complicated love triangle; Geosteady dated and had two children with socialite, and beautician Prima Kardashi who later moved on to Mr. Henrie immediately after their breakup. The two were openly affectionate with each other, something that increased the tension between Geosteady and Mr. Henrie.

This week, the entertainment figures met at The Villa where the singer had his live band session and while they were on stage, they reminded themselves of the days when they were not on good terms and blocked each other on social media.

Mr. Henrie, also a show host, sought to know if Geosteady was not angry with him anymore since he was no longer dating Prima.

Geosteady confessed that he did all that because he could not stand seeing Mr. Henrie being affectionate with the woman he loved, that is why he chose to block and mute them on all platforms so he could easily move on.

Geosteady, Mr Henrie
“It is better to sometimes step out of some issues. As a person I take silence to be my biggest weapon and there is no day you will hear me yap too much about an issue not until I take it in fully. As a reader, I have learnt to go about so many issues.

“There was no way I would be liking your picture with Mama So (Prima). Public figures need to care about what our fans also feel; If they saw me liking your picture, it would look like I’m throwing myself on you. I decided to mute and block you,” Geosteady confessed as they laughed about it and agreed to unblock each other.

ALSO READ: Karl Famous recounts how Serena Bata used witchcraft to orchestrate his exit from Sipapa Entertainment

Revelers were thrilled to see the former rivals moving forward in a positive direction.


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