Kato Lubwama

Late Kato Lubwama’s legacy to be celebrated at Bat Valley Theatre

The late actor and singer Kato Lubwama‘s legacy is to be celebrated at Bat Valley Theatre in Kampala.

7th June 2024 marked a year since Kato died at Stana Medical Centre due to his health complications.

Before his untimely demise, Kato had established his name somewhere at the pinnacle of the entertainment industry, and he will forever be remembered for his positive impact.

Fellow creators are gearing up to commemorate his legacy with an event dubbed “Kato Lubwama a forever legacy.”

Slated for 14th June 2024 starting from 2:PM, the event is expected to be graced by several industry players and Kato’s fans.

Kato Lubwama

ALSO READ: Shamim Mayanja Unhappy With How Late Kato Lubwama’s Ceasefire Play Was Executed

Themed honoring a legacy of creativity, innovation, and social impact, the late Kato’s songs will be performed at the event among other entertainment options.


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