Lil Pazo, John Segawa, Saabwe Conrad Lubwama

Lil Pazo Lunabe to cough Ugx 300M for plagiarizing the late Kato Lubwama’s “Kilabe Ebiiso” song

Singer Lil Pazo Lunabe has been dragged to courts of law for Plagiarising the late Kato Lubwama’s song “Kilabe Ebiso”

In the course of this week, Lil Pazo Lunabe expressed his affection for fellow singer Irene Ntale in the “Kilabe Ebiso” rendition dubbed “Irena.”

Lunabe’s remake consequently raised dust on social media, with several music lovers criticizing his actions of redoing the late Kato Lubwama’s song without permission.

Earlier today, the late Kato Lubwama’s family through Maldes Advocates addressed the issue in a publicized legal document.

Based on the document, the late Kato Lubwama was the original composer of the song titled ‘Kilabe Ebiiso” and the same is copyrighted under his name.

Lil Pazo has since been instructed to immediately take down the infringing song off all media platforms, offer a formal apology for the aforesaid infringement, and publicize the same on all media platforms where his infringing song is being played.

Lil Pazo Lunabe

Additionally, he is to pay damages to the family of Ugx. 300,000,000 (Uganda Shillings Three Hundred million) and costs incurred, totaling Ugx. 20,000,000 (Uganda Shillings Twenty million).

RELATED: John Segawa, Conrad Lubwama Accuse Lil Pazo Lunabe of Plagiarizing Late Kato Luwama’s Song “Kirabe Ebiiso”

The singer has to adhere to the demands within only 14 days from the date of the letter failing which they are under stern instructions to institute legal proceedings against Lil Pazo at his peril, inconvenience, and costs, without further notice to him.


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