Lydia Jazmine

Lydia Jazmine shares why she contemplates retiring from music in the near future

Singer Lydia Jazmine has opened up on her plans to quit the music industry and focus on personal business in the near future, citing the increasing violence, fights, and beef among the artists lately.

In an interview, the singer expressed her concerns about the escalating tension and conflicts, noting that they are starting to take a toll on her mental health, forcing her to reevaluate her career. With this, Lydia Jazmine revealed that she has given herself a timeframe after which she will quit.

“Government should help our industry; every day you wake up to something new and it’s worrying and heartbreaking. It has made me rethink my career and give myself a timeframe for when I will quit because it is just getting worse as we go forward. This is not the industry we want to see; there are many scandals, fights, and people bullying each other yet we can resort to peace and all win through collaborations,” she said.

Lydia Jazmine’s confession comes after she was recently forced off stage by Alien Skin and his gang mid-way through her performance.

Lydia Jazmine

She confessed that they did not physically attack her but the chaos they started in the crowd during Alien Skin was enough for her to cut her performance.

“No one touched me but you all saw the video. I was just on the last verse of the ‘First Born’ song when that drama happened.

I wanted to finish my performance and leave the stage for them but they were down there trying to access the stage. I cannot handle drama and chaos so I chose to go away since I was even done,” she said.

ALSO READ: Frank Ntambi and Shalom survive being thumped over criticizing musicians | VIDEO

If she ever decides to quit the music industry, Lydia Jazmine revealed that she would run a fashion house and hairline business with the help of her degree in Business Administration.


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