Mama Fiina, Ronald Alimpa

Mama Fiina Contributes UGX 2M Towards Ronald Alimpa’s Medical Bills, Pledges to Help Out till He is Fully Recovered

Local herbalist Mama Fiina has contributed UGX 2M toward singer Ronald Alimpa’s medical bills.

On Thursday morning, singer Ronald Alimpa of Seen Don fame and his crew were involved in a nasty car accident as they were rushing to perform in Semuto.

Fellow singer Lady Grace, lost her life in the unforeseeable catastrophe. Two other people were declared dead at a hospital in Mulago, and Alimpa was among those left nursing fractured limbs.

Several musicians, including Spice Diana, Phina Mugerwa, Hassan Nduga, and Jovan Luzinda, among others, visited the bedridden singer and assured his fans that his condition is promising.

Mama Fiina

The singer could be seen in recordings taken by those who visited him in excruciating pain, pleading with well-wishers to step in and pay for his medical expenses.

Alimpa’s outcry was positively addressed by Mama Fiina, who provided UGX 2M to cover part of the singer’s medical expenses.

RELATED: Two More Confirmed Dead Following a Car Accident That Claimed Lady Grace’s Life

According to Mama Fiina,  this is to cover the singer’s scan costs, who also instructed that he should be moved to a private room where his family will be taking good care of him.

She further instructed the people in charge of looking after Alimpa to give her a call anytime they ran out of something.


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