Mc Mariachi

Mc Mariachi Apologizes For Cracking Jokes That Disrespected Muslims

Renowned stand-up comedian Mc Mariachi has bowed to pressure from the Muslim community and apologized for cracking jokes that disrespected them.

On 20th July, while performing at the Comedy Store, Mc Mariachi cracked jokes that disrespected those who subscribe to the Muslim faith.

In his jokes, Mariachi revealed that he is soon converting to the Muslim faith, to adopt their saving and financial discipline.

The talented comedian further stressed that Muslims save their money by not trimming their beards, women don’t plait their hair, they don’t buy speakers and chairs in the mosques, and other ridiculing jokes.

Mc Mariachi

Upon various Muslim clerics crossing paths with Mariachi’s videos, they urged him to publicly apologize, and he responded positively over the weekend.

Taking to his Tiktok account, Mc Mariachi revealed that in his jokes, he tackles almost everything that transpires in society.

RELATED: Muslims Demand An Apology From MC Mariachi Following His Offensive Jokes

He, however, urged those who were offended by his jokes especially the Muslims to find a special place in their hearts to forgive him, because he still needs them.

Mariachi vowed to revise his jokes, and deliver good quality services to his fans.


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