Clever J

My Wife Dumped Me Claiming I Looked Like a Dog – Clever J

Singer Clever J real name Gerald Muwonge has gone candid about why his wife traced his marriage exit.

In recent weeks, Clever J has participated in various interviews where he has discussed some of his personal life struggles.

Clever J revealed that his life has never been the same as a result of a few setbacks in his music profession, which was his primary revenue stream.

Clever J mentioned how his wife, who he had been with for over 20 years, left him citing unclear circumstances.

The ‘Manzi Wanani’ crooner says his wife attributed her decision to end their marriage to Clever J looking like a dog, being quarrelsome, constant use of intoxicates, and adultery.

Clever J

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Clever J claimed that since only God is qualified to judge humanity, he handed his family matters to him.


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