Brian Mulondo, Nince Henry

Nince Henry Brands Brian Mulondo a Wisacre For Generalizing Artists as their Hygiene is Wanting

Singer and songwriter Nince Henry has branded radio presenter Brian Mulondo a wiseacre following his sentiments that artists’ hygiene is wanting.

A few days back, Brian Mulondo through his program revealed that musicians should up their hygiene game.

The presenter continued by bringing up the fact that King Saha uses weed and still shows up to his scheduled performances, forcing partygoers to breathe in his foul odor.

Upon crossing paths with Brian Mulondo’s claims, Nince Henry through his socials revealed the former generalizing musicians as being shoddy.

Nince Henry

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Below is Nince Henry’s detailed assertions.

“I have watched a video of a radio presenter called Brian Mulondo talking about an individual’s hygienic issues on radio and using it to define the whole community of people who sing!

I am not so disappointed because, well! I haven’t known Mulondo for being a wise man intellectual enough for me to get disappointed in, but I believe that by the fact that talking is the gift he has and it’s how he earns a living, it’s very important to improve on one’s intellectual capacity by reading and writing and doing research.
Trust me it improves your eloquence and subject articulation for better speech!

I have heard Mulondo many times struggle to make correct sentences in English so I will use that to forgive him for he could have meant to direct his message to the individual but he went off path linguistically and found himself enveloping everyone using pronouns like “they” “them” “these”.

Brian I have to tell you that you don’t do that bro!
You don’t use an individual behavioral proclivity to define the general temperamental structure of a full fraternity!
Ekyo muluganda bakiyita kwegeziwaza!

Obviously, I have met people in the media fraternity who are complete drunkards, hygienically disgusting, and behaviorally appalling but those individuals cannot make me define a full industry of journalism by their behavioral deficiencies!
Well wait! I am not you and obviously, I am far more intellectual than you’re so still I will excuse you!

What I am saying, is next time if the issue is with more than one person which precisely requires you to use such pronouns, just be blunt enough to mention names.
Naffe twakoowa abayimbi abatuswaza abawunya enjaga Naye tekitegeza nti industry yonna Bwetyo bweri!

I have been to a radio station where the presenter was stinking drunk early in the morning but I have not used that to think that abantu ba media bonna bwebatyo!
I love you Mulondo. You’re still a young man who can outgrow those petty momentary verbal excitement things and avoid disrespecting many people unknowingly!”



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