Kabako, Tyana Bax

Tyana Bax accuses Kabako of flirting and asking for her nude photos, raising ethical concerns

Upcoming musician Tyana Bax, born Nakabuye Maria has exposed dancehall singer Kabako for flirting and asking for nude photos and sultry videos despite being married.

The singer shared a screen recording of her phone, revealing a phone call and messages from Kabako, who was trying to initiate a sexual encounter.

In the audio, Kabako can be heard whispering, seemingly afraid of being caught by his wife Jazira Ddumuna who was presumed to be in the same house.

Tyana Bax expressed her surprise and discomfort at Kabako’s advances, telling him to leave her alone due to his marital status.

Kabako and his wife, who got married in 2021 and have two children, have been open about their love for each other on social media.

However, the shocking cheating scandal has sparked mixed feelings, with some fans condemning his actions and others attacking Tyana Bax for trying to ruin his marriage by exposing private information.

Tyana Bax

The timing of the expose on the other hand has raised suspicions, as Kabako is set to hold his anniversary concert in November celebrating ten years in the music industry.

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Some believe this whole scandal is a publicity stunt to promote the concert, while others think it is a genuine call-out for Kabako’s infidelity on Jazira who earlier this week revealed that she was expecting their third child.


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