Eddy Kenzo

“We Are Your Slaves” Eddy Kenzo On Caller Ring-Back Tune Money

Various artists have come out to vent their grievances with telecommunication companies regarding their caller ring-back tune money.

A few have disclosed reaping dust from the telecommunication companies, while others are not happy with the way this money is taxed.

Towering the list, is singer Eddy Kenzo born Edirisa Musuuza who is saddened by the way this money is taxed to giving musicians peanuts.

Eddy Kenzo

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Reminiscing the year 2012, Eddy Kenzo revealed that he went to pick up his money worth Ugx85m, only to be levied taxes worth Ugx73m going home with Ugx12m only.

Eddy Kenzo’s complaint come following Mr. Charles Batambuze’s appearance on NTV claiming how artists have always been supported financially by the funds collected from caller ring-back tunes.

Breaking down the expenditure of the year when telecoms gathered over Ugx78b, Batambuze revealed that the government took 50%, telecoms 70%, and the remaining 30% of the 78b, was given to musicians.

Eddy Kenzo

Not pleased by the breakdown, Kenzo stressed that telecoms are fond of cheating musicians by giving them peanuts.

Fe twakiriza tuli ba slave ba mwe era tuli mu studio Tufumba tubaletere mulye. I remember in 2012 I went to get my money nga waliwo 85M I came back with 12M nga bajeko pay as this pay as that, kaate bantemeko pay as you use keyboard. Uganda banange nze nakiriza era jendi nkola kubanga owekitara bwotamutya tolama


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