a woman in a pink head scarf and a man in a hospital bed

Chosen Becky vows to keep sharing videos detailing her son’s ailment despite social media criticism

Singer Chosen Becky has revealed that she is ready to share the videos detailing her son Hrim Kukiriza’s ailment until he gets better.

Yesterday, Chosen Becky shared on her social media platforms multiple videos of her son in a very critical health state.

Subsequently, the singer appeared in another video with tears rolling down her cheeks, as she prayed to God to intervene and heal her son.

These videos since elicited mixed reactions among netizens, with a section criticizing her for exposing her son’s critical condition, while others on the hand pleaded to the most high to heal Hrim Kukiriza from the excruciating pain he is currently going through.

Chosen Becky

This morning, Chosen Becky has expressed gratitude for the well wishes and prayers, coming from her fans and everyone concerned.

She revealed that the prayers have made a remarkable impact, noting that she couldn’t have done it alone.

The singer vowed to keep updating the social media community on every step of her son’s ailment, adding that letting everything out is healing her, and she has gained the power to help her son recuperate as well.

ALSO READ: Chosen Becky heartbroken: eldest son Hrim Kukiriza’s unexplained ailment leaves her in tears

Unbothered by critics, Chosen Becky maintained that she is ready to share all the videos about her son until he gets better.

Thanks to every parent that is praying for us. Your prayers are working, keep praying for me I couldn’t do this alone! Am going to keep updating you on every step because me alone I had failed! And silence was killing me. Letting this out is totally healing me in person, and as I heal, I’ve gained the power to help my son heal as well. Thank you bannange Am gonna post all the videos until he is better.

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