Spice Diana, Winnie Nwagi, Chosen Blood

Chozen Blood Stands With Winnie Nwagi and Spice Diana, Wants fans to Respect Artists

Chozen Blood has come to singers Winnie Nwagi and Spice Diana’s defence and implored fans to start respecting musicians.

The last few days have seen singers Winnie Nwagi and Spice Diana enraged by fans who touched them inappropriately during their respective performances at different hangout spots.

Winnie Nwagi slapped a fan’s hand who was stuffing money into her bra, in addition to hitting one fan with a microphone for caressing Winnie Nwagi’s legs without her consent.

In Spice Diana’s case, she had to halt her performance in Rukungirito and warn revellers who had embarked on touching her inappropriately.

Singer Chozen Blood has added his voice to those who oppose the practice of fans disrespecting musicians citing they are not sex objects.

Winnie Nwagi, Chosen Blood

RELATED: Spice Diana Discomforted By Fans Touching Her Thighs | Video

It should be remembered that Chosen Blood was once a victim of sexual harassment, as a fan groped him midway through his performance.

Artists are not sex objects  dear fans respect our work space please 🙏 I feel for you @winnienwagi and @spice_diana please take heart and we say no to sexual harassment in our community


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