DJ Nimrod

DJ Nimrod outlines rules for his burial, warning friends against digging his grave in his detailed will

Renowned deejay TV, and radio presenter DJ Nimrod born Nimrod Nabeeta has laid down stringent guidelines that are to be followed at his future burial ceremony, warning his friends against participating in any handwork.

During one of his presentations at his radio show, as part of the dos and don’ts, Nimrod forbade his friends from digging his grave or doing any labor typically associated with burial ceremonies.

Instead, he prefers them to just sit around, mourn, drink alcohol in remembrance of his well-earned legacy, and prioritize financial and emotional support over physical labor.

This announcement goes to all my friends, do everything at my burial but no friend of mine is allowed to help dig up my grave. Please do not do it, at least pay people to dig it up but never get a hoe and start doing it yourself. I wouldn’t even want my friends to do chores at my burial.

They should just sit around and mourn, drink alcohol; that will be very understandable but please do not dig my grave. Just pay money to cover the budget but do not do chores, he said.
dj nimrod

DJ Nimrod’s statements stem from the frustration that arises with the common situations of people neglecting their loved ones while in need, only to seek attention by spending large sums of money during their funerals when they pass away.

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DJ Nimrod terms this behavior as a betrayal, calling out the hypocrisy of absent friends who only come through when the other person is no more.


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