John Blaq

John Blaq reveals he’s not ready for marriage, focusing on personal growth and career

John Blaq, born Kasadha John has watered down any hopes of getting married in the near future, noting that he is still at the age where he has to look for money instead of getting into a relationship, more so settling down for marriage.

Mid this year, John Blaq and Pia Pounds collaborated on their hit love song dubbed ‘Style’ and their chemistry in the video was undeniable.

Music fans were quick to matchmake them because they thought they were very compatible and would make a cute couple.

Without denying or confirming his attraction towards the sultry singer, John Blaq emphasized that he is not thinking about relationships worse still marrying someone’s daughter as he is busy pushing his career and making money.

Since his public breakup with his ex-lover Vannessa Vanny, the 28-year-old musician has kept his love life on the low, avoiding drama and making headlines.

John Blaq, Pia Pounds

He has always fronted his music career and has also encouraged his fellow youth to concentrate on bettering themselves instead of wasting time on relationships.

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This is not the age for marriage. This is the time to just look for money because we are still very young. I want to tell all my fellow youths not to rush into getting married. Same goes to participating in sexual acts, we should just focus on working hard because we are not yet of age, John Blaq said.

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