Jose Chamelone, Abitex Promotions

Jose Chameleone Unearthes The Cause of His Rivarly With Abitex Promotions

Leone Island singer Jose Chameleone real name Joseph Mayanja has opened up on the cause of his beef with events promoter Abitex Promotions.

Jose Chameleone and Abitex have been at odds for a while, with neither having anything positive to say about the other whenever publicly addressing their relationship.

In the most recent scenario, Abitex issued a warning to Jose Chameleone and the entire Mayanja family against attending their cousin Clever J’s just-concluded concert dubbed the “return of Clever”

But in a video clip that Exclusive Bizz was able to access, Jose Chameleone reveals the reason behind his conflict with Abitex.

Jose Chamelone claims that Abitex engaged him over twenty years ago to perform at a show at Wonder World Amusement Park, formerly Didis World, in Kansanga.

jose chameleone

The then price tag for Chemeleone’s performance was Ugx 600,000, and Abitex paid him Ugx 400,000 in advance, with the remaining balance to be cleared after the performance.

After his performance, however, Abitex and his friend Emma Sserugo were nowhere to be found at the event, only to later discovered that they had been hiding in the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala.

ALSO READ: Waymo Self-Driven Car Excites Jose Chameleone Video

Chameleone further expressed his disappointment that even after 20 years, Abitex’s character hasn’t changed a single bit.

It is for aforementioned grounds that the pair no longer see eye to eye for over a decade now.

However, while reacting to Jose Chameleone’s claims, Abitex noted that they had agreed Ugx 400,000, for the show, which he paid to the latter.


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