Lil Pazo Lunabe

Romina reveals Lil Pazo Lunabe’s failure to pay for ushering services at the Enkudi Festival

TikTok user Romina, together with her ushering company have exposed Lil Pazo Lunabe for failure to pay for their services rendered during the ‘Enkudi Festival’ that happened last year.

While narrating her experience, Romina claims that when she learned about Lil Pazo’s concert, she secured a meeting with him through a mutual friend.

The two parties agreed that she had to bring ten ushers to work at the concert, with the agreed monetary facilitation of Ugx 1M and they worked up to very late in the night when the event was done.

“He was very good to me; he gave me his time and I told him the service I was offering. We agreed that we would work together and he even gave me the number of girls to bring and that is exactly what I did,” she said.

Romina claims she never received her agreed payment from Lil Pazo and she is currently under pressure from the rest of the girls. Since she is a famous figure on TikTok, her colleagues believe she received the money but chose to fleece them of their hard-earned cash.

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She says she never reported the case to the police out of fear of the whole situation blowing out of proportion and staining Lil Pazo’s reputation.

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“These girls want their money and I do not have it. Some are my friends while some are relatives with whom we have worked together for a long time. They think I stole the money and I made the video on social media to prove to the girls that I never ate their money,” she said.

Romina claims she doesn’t hold any grudges against Lil Pazo but just wants her payment because it is a start-up company trying to break through. Romina claims they did not bother to make any agreement or sign any contracts on paper for the deal.


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