Prima Kadarshi

Prima Kadarshi ventures into event hosting

Renowned socialite and beautician Prima Kadarshi real name Prima Ndagire has announced her new venture as an events host.

Prima Kadarshi’s new direction comes in light of the permanent closure of her restaurant Prima Lusaniya in November last year.

Looks like Prima Lusaniya’s closure seems like a strategic decision made to shift her focus toward her new career in events hosting.

Over the years, Prima has tried out new careers, including beauty products, influencing, cooking and now events hosting.

Prima Kadarshi

Prima announced her new career via her social media handles, where she highlighted that will be hosting brunches, nights, and private parties.

ALSO READ: Ragga Dee Explains 15-Year Hiatus from Concerts

The socialite promised an exceptional experience, through her slogan “Because every party deserves a touch of magic”


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