Swangz Creative Academy

51 Graduate at Swangz Creative Academy

Swangz Creative Academy earlier registered fifty-one creative graduates during its second graduation

In June 2022, Swagz Avenue established a creative academy with an ardent desire to skill youths in various creative fields of production.

During the academy’s first year of operation, only eight creatives enrolled in a variety of creative fields of production.

However, as the academy enters its second year of operation, 51 creatives graduated amicably on Friday this week at the Buzz Events Warehouse in Ntinda.

Of the 51 graduates, 11 were girls, while the rest were boys. Twenty received audio production certifications, 26 video production, and five received graphics design certifications.

Swangz Creative Academy

Several A-listers from the creative business, including Julius Kyazze, Artin Pro, Benon Mugumbya, Label Head, and Anell Tunes among others, attended the graduation ceremony.

The graduates received their certificates from Benon Mugumbya, and the cake was sliced as part of the celebration.

ALSO READ: Vinka Becomes Second Swangz Avenue Musician to Bag a YouTube Silver Plaque Button

As seen below, the recent graduates were provided with guidance as they began to utilise their newly learned talents in their different fields of competence.

Label head
You have succeeded but what’s next? I can’t come and say I can do this, you need to research and
It’s only crazy people who boldly say I can do things. Meet people, network, critical thinking, and understand the problem
Keep time
Don’t forget names
Be accountable
Be good person

Anell Tunes

I’m privileged to be mentoring the video class.
“Don’t chase, but attract”
I have learned from experience what you chase, you don’t get. Instead, attract and in order to attract one must understand the value
The market pays you for the value you bring and how you bring value is by adding value to yourself by practicing the skills that you have learnt. For there’s no shortcut.
Story below
One group was for many pics and the other group was to find the best picture
Last word
Read more outside your scoop of expertise because you will be dealing with people. You must relate to people. Business, psychology
You only acquire the skill of production at Swangz. Now you need to educate yourself in other fields.

Josh video trainer
Academy addresses the major gap in the industry which is knowledge. Sometimes it’s more than talent. That’s why most talented people are not the best. It’s more than talent. Our obs we have one who became a general manager, one is at AtS, and Pinto has a TV show coming on NTV. To us, we feel we are impacting on the students
Swangz Academy is different from other schools. We learn audio by practising it. We throw you into the jungle and ask you to swim… we let you try YouTube and come in later to mentor you.
At Swangz, mentorship is key..you network, learn and get a blueprint on how to do, when and where to do
Lastly perception
1. Self-worth that’s by setting your salary because you are from a known or big academy. Half the time as you are building your career or network. You may work or earn lower than your value. Make it easy for people to work with you. The goal should be how I elevate in the industry rather than how much for growth
2. Opportunity perception. Learn to recognize opportunities right.

Jonathan trainer
Congratulations to all of you for the commitment. The most important thing like Anell said is practice practice practice. It could make you the most credible person in 10yrs
Embrace differences in origin, ideas, and experience it makes it easy for you to work with people in order to achieve a goal.
Creativity is key too. I wish the journey was as easy as it was in class. I wish you the best.

Artin pro
Congratulations to all of you. 7yrs ago in my journey, I felt I was delivering to my best. Once was called from my Kikoni studio to Makindye which was more like a downgrade because it wasn’t as good as mine. I gave it a chance and here I am. Hence influence can come from any point in life. What are you adding to the industry? Using your platform.
Lastly, experience is a teacher. Keep practising when you fall you raise. As creatives, keep practicing and it’s with practice that you master your craft. Ensure that your muscle brain is at work always.
“Mind about how you influence the future”.

Benon mugumbya
Congratulations to everyone here and thanks for committing. I appreciate our trainers. These are people in the field and we look up to them so working with them means a lot to us.
Experience has taught us a lot. Back in the day 2011, we were approached by a big client for a big campaign that was to be out in 2wks. The campaign was in Rwanda. At the time, we weren’t as big as any brands in producing TVs. Actually had never done any. Big production companies refused the job because of the time so they came to us. Accepting the job required us to go to Rwanda to shoot a teaser in a day and of course, we couldn’t say no. Julius and I got on a plane made calls, and started shooting. It was hectic but we did the job despite the language barrier but we did it, and the client was happy. Afterwards, we needed to shoot the TVC and then fly in a bigger team to impress. The TVC was rejected and we had to reshoot which required us to use our money.
The moral of the story with the experience I have now there’s no way I would take on such a job.
Always have a yearning to learn more skills, don’t get comfortable
“Winners are losers that decided to try again”. In our creative world doors will be slammed at you. You will do your best work and it will be considered shitty. Always be open to try again even after you fall. Collaborate with people and always practice

Julius Kyazze
Thank you to the trainers and congratulations to all the students
Creativity and Innovation are key. The creative industry is as key as doctors. For instance, the piece of art you produce is consumed by depressed people who also go to bars and relieve stress. Back in the day, even marrying a girl your job was key. Society can’t progress without creativity and innovation
Even researchers need creativity to record the process
Don’t allow society to demean your importance.
Collaborate and partner with people as creatives in order to elevate
“Masters work with masters to achieve big dreams”

Swangz Creative Academy


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