Andrew Kyamagero, wife Linda Ndagire

Andrew Kyamagero, Wife Linda Working on Their Marriage Revitalization Following a Rough Patch

During a recent interview with media personality Isaac Daniel Katende, also known as Kasuku, Andrew Kyamagero openly discussed the challenges he faces with his wife Lynda Ndagire for the years they have been together, even considering sending her back to her parents at one point.

In light of this, Andrew Kyamagero faced criticism from the public for sharing personal matters about his marriage on social media.

Earlier today, Andrew Kyamagero acknowledged his marriage facing numerous rough patches, however, expressed his gratitude on his personal Facebook account to those who reached out to him to inquire about the well-being of his marriage.

Andrew Kyamagero mentioned that with the help of various advice from different individuals, they are now on the path to revitalizing their marriage and appreciate the support shown by everyone.

ALSO READ: Andrew Kyamagero Pens Essential Marital Advice for a Strong Marriage as He Marks 6th Wedding Anniversary

Andrew Kyamagero
Dear beloved family, cherished friends, and our treasured online community,
In the wake of recent events, the outpouring of love, concern, and solidarity we’ve received has been a beacon of light in our lives. To each person who called, visited, and sent messages of support, you’ve touched our hearts in ways words can scarcely capture. Your kindness has been a powerful reminder of the beauty of human connection and the strength of community.
To those who reached out with less than kind intentions, your actions have inadvertently gifted us with invaluable insight and reflection. You’ve helped us discern the depth of our relationships, distinguishing between those who stand with us and those who stand apart. This realization, though bitter, has been a catalyst for growth and understanding.
Our dear Prayer Cell, your unwavering faith and prayers have been a source of immense comfort and strength. We are profoundly grateful and feel a deep sense of indebtedness for your love and support.
To our incredible parents, your humor and laughter have been a constant source of joy and light-heartedness amidst the storm. It’s clear to see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and for that, we are eternally thankful.
To the mighty men of ManCaveUg, being part of this brotherhood is a privilege I cherish deeply. Your solidarity and camaraderie are the very essence of what it means to be in community.
The 17 group, your Zoom call was truly remarkable. The prayers and the energy shared were nothing short of miraculous. Despite the distance and differing time zones, your commitment to uplift and support us was felt deeply. To the 15 members who were once strangers but now hold a special place in our hearts, your enthusiasm and care were overwhelming surprises that kept us in awe.
To our beautiful and resilient online in-laws, though we stay away from social media’s tumult, we’ve been moved to hear of your staunch defense and support in our corner. Your actions speak volumes of the silent majority who choose love over hate, a testament to the goodness that pervades our world.
This journey has reinforced our belief in the power of community and the strength of a united front. We’ve been reminded of a profound truth, one that resonates with the core of our being: “May you have those that show up for you in your valley season, those who are not intimidated by your wounds. May their presence remind you of life before the drought and may their heart give you a glimpse of the refreshing waters that are on the way.”
As we reflect on these experiences, we are reminded of the words from James 1:12, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” This verse speaks to the resilience and temperance we’ve witnessed and experienced, serving as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the rewards that come from faith and perseverance.
In closing, our hearts are full of gratitude and love. And my calling for Families, Parenting and Men Just got stronger. The journey ahead is bright with the promise of renewal and strength, made all the more certain by the incredible circle of support that surrounds us. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. May we all continue to be a source of light and support for each other, today and always.
With deepest appreciation and love,
The Kyamageros.”

Andrew Kyamagero wrote on Facebook.


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