Ava Peace, maiden concert

Ava Peace Reveals Her Maiden Concert Flopped That Only Her Relatives Turned Up

Singer Ava Peace real name Namugonza Maureen Peace during a question and answer session on Galaxy TV, shared a disappointing experience from her early days in the music industry.

She disclosed that her first-ever concert, which took place at her church, turned out to be a complete failure.

At that time, Ava had only one song to her name, and it hadn’t even been recorded yet. Nevertheless, she went all out to make the event vibrant and captivating, investing in banners and other necessities.

With high hopes for a large turnout, Ava was taken aback when she discovered that only her relatives, including her aunties and siblings, showed up to support her.

Ava Peace

It was an embarrassing moment for her, but it didn’t discourage her from pursuing her dream of becoming a successful musician.

ALSO READ: Ava Peace Celebrates 2024 Birthday With a Brand New Ride | PHOTOS

Despite this setback, Ava Peace persevered and continued to work hard. Today, she has established herself as one of the prominent female musicians in Uganda, leaving her mark on the industry and looking forward to holding another concert at one of the biggest venues in the country.


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