Biswanka, Zinc Music

Biswanka reportedly arrested over money issues with female singer Zinc Music

On Friday, upcoming singer Biswanka Derick was arrested over reportedly swindling fellow singer Zinc Music’s funds.

According to reports surrounding Biswanka’s arrest, he fell out with female singer Zinc Music over money-related issues.

It is said that following the fallout, Zinc has been demanding a refund of her money, a request Biswanka has overlooked

As if that wasn’t enough, Biswanka has consistently verbally assaulted Zinc, as well as threatened her.


This saw Zinc involve the authorities, and on Friday Biswanka was apprehended and detained at a yet-to-be-established police station.

ALSO READ: Alien Skin’s intervention saves Biswanka from being thumped by thugs at Galaxy Carnival | VIDEO

Based on the video accessed by this website, Biswanka could be seen being forcefully pulled out of his rental unit by Police officers, and taken to the station to record a statement.


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