Eddy Kenzo, Phiona Nyamutoro

Eddy Kenzo and Hon. Phiona Nyamutoro hold a glamorous customary ceremony | PHOTOS

Renowned singer Eddy Kenzo and lover Hon. Phiona Nyamutoro on 29th June 2024 held a glamorous customary ceremony.

The couple’s colorful private ceremony was held in Bunga, at Hon. Nyamutoro’s parents’ home.

The ceremony was strictly open to their few invited guests, including workmates, friends, family, and relatives.

With the culmination of this remarkable feat, the couple moves a step closer to holding their wedding on a date yet to be announced.

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In a social media post, Phiona Nyamutoro and Eddy Kenzo expressed their love for each other and hinted at their plans to hold their wedding soon.

Have a look at the photos below;


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