Jose Chameleone

Fan Recalls When Jose Chameleone Gifted Him a House, and Kids Tuition to University

One of singer Jose Chameleone’s close friends and day one fan revealed how the singer elevated his livelihood with a house and covered his kids’ tuition to university.

Celebrated singer Jose Chameleone recently capped his studies at Cavendish University with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy.

During his graduation party, at his home, Jose Chameleone hosted a number of influential people in his life like his parents, media personalities and a handful of his fans.

It is here that a few people took the opportunity to speak about Chameleone’s influence in their lives and what he means to them.

One of Jose Chameleone’s day-one supporters expressed his gratitude to the singer for being there for him at times when he best needed him.

Jose Chameleone

He disclosed that the Leone Island singer gave him a house worth $10,000 despite the fact that he already had one.

Additionally, as his firstborn kid will be joining university to pursue law next month, Jose Chameleone pledged to facilitate tuition all through.

ALSO READ: Jose Chameleone Hints at His Desire to Pursue a Master’s Degree

Chameleone has garnered appreciation for his good deeds, and many people have praised him for not offering assistance on camera, in contrast to many A-listers.


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