Haruna Mubiru

Haruna Mubiru denies responsibility for nude photo on his WhatsApp status, blames hackers

Singer Hajji Haruna Mubiru has defended himself following a nude photo finding its way to his WhatsApp status.

Since yesterday evening, Haruna Mubiru has been the talk of the town, following the dissemination of an explicit photo via his WhatsApp status.

In a bed scene, the male genitalia could be seen held, before the owner froze the moment and shared it on Haruna’s WhatsApp status.

Two minutes after sharing the photo, one of Haruna’s contacts was so quick to screenshot it, and widely shared it on various socializing platforms.

Despite Haruna Mubiru subsequently deleting the photo, the screenshot had already gone viral on the internet ruining his reputation.

Haruna Mubiru

While addressing the press earlier today, Haruna clarified that the organ in the circulating screenshot is not his, but rather for another person who hacked his WhatsApp account for his ulterior motives.

RELATED: Haruna Mubiru shares own nude photo on WhatsApp status

He poured cold water on claims that this was a publicity stunt to promote his impending concert, asserting that his music is exceptional and doesn’t rely on sharing such explicit content to promote it.


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