Viola Nakitende

I’d Rather Quit the Marriage than Let a Man Take My Kids for DNA – Violah Nakitende

Former Sabula Management singer Violah Nakitende has revealed that she is against the skyrocketing vice of taking kids for DNA testing.

Following men doubting the paternity of their kids, they’ve embarked on conducting medical DNA testing to determine whether they are biological fathers to their kids.

The subject has dominated numerous media outlets and social media apps for several weeks, with people airing their opinions on the subject.

Singer Violah Nakitende joins the conversation and says she won’t allow her fiance to take their children for DNA testing.

Viola reasoned that the kids’ mother is the final determinant of a kid’s paternity, and there is no need for taking them for DNA testing.

Viola Nakitende

She cautioned men against taking kids for DNA testing, noting that they are risking being subjected to stress and death.

ALSO READ: Violah Nakitende Nursing Injuries After Collapsing During a Performance Video

Viola Nakitende further pleaded with fellow women to end their marriages rather than let their husbands take the children for DNA testing since it could ruin their future.


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