Maureen Nantume

Maureen Nantume Shows Off Her Son’s Face On His First Birthday | PHOTOS

Singer Maureen Nantume has finally shown off her son’s face to the public as he marks one year on earth.

On 09th June 2022, Maureen Nantume and her husband Mr. Ronnie Muganza welcomed a bouncing baby boy whom they christened Khian.

Since then, efforts to see Khian’s face have been futile, as the singer kept him away from the public domain for reasons best known to her.

As her son made a year older on Friday earlier this week, Maureen Nantume threw a lavish blue-themed party in celebration of her son’s first birthday.

In her heartfelt birthday message, Nantume pleaded with God to watch over and guide her kid throughout his life.

Maureen Nantume

It was this day that I received you in my arms, I felt like I received the last token of my wishes. Mukama mulunji nnyoooo, Mukama Yebazibwe, Wakitibwa nyo mukama. Agulumizibwe mukama eyakumpa


This day gives me chills. KIKI, PAPA, BOO BOO, OMULUNJI KIAN, TAATA, all these names are used to address you, my love. Nsaba katonda Akunjagalire, Akunkuumire, akukole Obulunji. Mummy loves Kian.
Happy 1st birthday my Baby boy KIAN.

-Maureen Nantume-

RELATED: Maureen Nantume Welcomes a Bouncing Baby Boy

In addition, as can be seen in the images below, Maureen Nantume revealed her son’s face in a stunning photoshoot.


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