Pretty Glo

Pretty Glo Grateful She is Recovering From Drug Abuse

Singer Pretty Glo real name Gloria Ingabire is grateful that she is on the road to recovery from drug addiction.

Heartbroken Pretty Glo revealed in various interviews in May 2022 that she was struggling with drug addiction and had begun using it in 2016 as a result of being betrayed by her friends and having issues with her family.

Heroin and heroin, both of which Pretty often took, were among the narcotics that turned her into an addict.

Pretty Glo was admitted to rehabilitation in an effort to regain her previous level of health, and there she is making steady progress towards recovery.

In a Facebook post, Pretty Glo expressed gratitude towards everyone that came through, took a stand, and offered assistance when she most needed it in a Facebook post.

Pretty Glo

RELATED: Singer Pretty Glo Battling Drug Addiction

As u can clearly see and testify that this healing process all started as a joke. Like most of you/myself too wasn’t so sure abt this sudden change could get here or past this stage without REHAB like most pipo thought I needed, I read a post sometime back when one Tuff B Sekidde stated that I didn’t need rehab but help, someone out there needs to be given attention, ear, help hence taking some clear measures rather than sit back watch, judge, laugh, pin them down or imprison them.

Just do something for drug/weed users, addictive smoking habits/alcoholism/ gayism/ lesbianism such a person in that same kind of state is just a victim. Its now clear evident/proof to me that when GOD Says, he comes to intervene quickly……U feel like u have been defeated, and one clearly wants to understand u, I say to you its well, #just believe just like she did.

THANKS TO WHOEVER stood and did something in my worst times even da little counted even much more than those who just mocked me and made fun of me. Yesterday, today is me, someone else and tomorrow it could be u, ur bro, sis, family member. At least lets all just learn from our past mistakes. We will be able to see the better UGANDA all want. We all need to live and love more …….STORY OF A GHETTO TELLER.


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