Phionah Nyamutooro, Eddy Kenzo

Eddy Kenzo and Phiona Nyamutoro to reportedly hold their introduction in Bunga

Big Talent singer Eddy Kenzo and baby mama Phiona Nyamutoro to reportedly hold their introduction ceremony in Bunga.

Following Eddy Kenzo’s relationship with fellow singer Rema Namakula hitting a dead end, he found peace and solace in renowned politician Phiona Nyamutooro.

Eddy Kenzo and Phiona Nyamutoro’s relationship had been under the carpet, until earlier this year when they unveiled it to the public.

The couple solidified their relationship, as they embarked on growing their family by welcoming a baby boy.

Phionah Nyamutooro, Eddy Kenzo

Based on reports surrounding the couple, they are holding their introduction ceremony today in Bunga, a significant milestone for them.

ALSO READ: Phiona Nyamutoro, Minister of State for Minerals, Survives Shooting Incident in Kisoro District

The ceremony is highly concealed, as journalists are denied coverage due to privacy reasons.


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