Akram Gumisiriza

Acram Gumisiriza relocates to the US to overcome threats after announcing presidential ambitions

Hajat Kulthum Nabunya’s husband Acram Gumisiriza has relocated to the United States of America.

A few weeks back, formerly South African-based engineer Acram Gumisiriza and his wife Hajat Kulthum Nabunya flew to the US for a short holiday.

After their successful holiday, Hajat Kulthum returned to Uganda, while Acram decided to permanently stay in the US.

Acram based his relocation decision on claims that he has been receiving threats from multiple people, ever since he publicly announced his intention to run as presidential candidate come 2026.

Acram Gumisiriza, Hajat Kulthum Nabunya

He added that currently, he is building a life in the US, and doesn’t plan to return to Uganda now or soon.

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Furthermore, Acram maintained that he is unemployed, however certain that he will secure a good-paying job in the near future.


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