On Tuesday evening in Makindye, chaos erupted as Alien Skin’s car was embroiled in an accident with Bajjo Events’ car.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Alien Skin’s instincts kicked in, and he swiftly attempted to escape with his car, before he was intercepted by onlookers and a security guard.
According to circulating videos, Bajjo can be heard encouraging the security personnel to aim at Alien Skin’s car tires to prevent him from escaping.
Amidst the escalating gunfire, Alien Skin and his crew swiftly disembarked from their vehicle, poised to engage in hand-to-hand combat with their adversaries.
Police Uganda Police were seen swiftly coming in to restore peace at Bajjo Events’ washing bay in Makindye where a physical altercation had ensued.
ALSO READ: Alien Skin’s Music Camp Refutes Rumors of the Singer Being Pelted With Human Droppings
Police were observed trying to apprehend Alien Skin and a few of his associates, yet they were met with resistance during the arrest.
It should be noted that at the time of the altercation, Alien Skin and Bajjo Events had been at odds for considerable a period.