Don Zella

Don Zella Beddriden As She Battles Food Poisoning

Renowned socialite Don Zella is currently ill as she battles food poisoning, a condition which has left her bedridden and struggling to regain her strength.

During the Christmas festivities, Don Zella gathered with her family and loved ones in Uganda to enjoy quality time together.

She was also spotted rubbing shoulders with various influential figures in the entertainment industry, eating and indulging in the vibrant atmosphere of Kampala.

However, as per Don Zella’s account, certain food items she consumed did not settle well with her system, resulting in severe episodes of vomiting and diarrhoea.

Don Zella

Don shared a video of herself in a hospital, confined to a bed, relying on medical professionals to restore her health to its normal state.

ALSO READ: Don Zela Scoffs at Critics as She Flaunts New Home Under Construction in Busabala

She mentioned that her condition was caused by the Ugandan cuisine but fortunately, she is now feeling much better.


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