Geosteady, Jose Famous

Ex-Manager Exposes Geosteady: Passport And YouTube Channel Seized, Threats Issued

Jose Famous, Geosteady’s former booking manager, accuses the singer of confiscating his passport and YouTube channel, as well as threatening him.

According to Jose Famous, The Blackman Records boss became resentful when he decided to pursue a singing career instead of continuing to work as his manager.

He allegedly told Jose that there couldn’t be two kings in one kingdom, which led Jose to establish his own record label.

This decision led to other employees leaving the label due to issues such as low wages and mistreatment.

Jose Famous claims that his former boss took his passport, which was intended for a trip they were planning together.


However, Geosteady used the money for the ticket, keeping Jose Famous’ passport, and leaving him behind.

ALSO READ: Reports Suggest Hindu Kay Takes Poison Every Time She Experiences a Breakup With Geosteady

Despite Jose Famous’ attempts to retrieve his passport and YouTube channel, Geosteady has not cooperated and has even threatened his life.


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