Cindy Sanyu

“It Is a Baby Pooch” Cindy Sanyu Dispells Reports of Being Pregnant Again

Renowned dancehall singer Cindy Sanyu recently made headlines after her appearance at the Roast And Rhyme event in Munyonyo sparked rumours of her being pregnant again.

Netizens were quick to speculate that she might be expecting her fourth child, given her slightly protruding tummy. However, Cindy took to her Facebook page to address the issue and put an end to the speculations.

While responding to a fan’s inquiry if she was indeed pregnant, Cindy made it clear that she is not pregnant and explained that her protruding tummy is simply a result of the baby pooch that remained after giving birth.

She emphasized that she is in no rush to lose it and is embracing her body as it is. This revelation from Cindy not only dispelled the rumours of her being pregnant but also shed light on the pressure women often face to quickly bounce back to their pre-pregnancy bodies.

Cindy Sanyu

Cindy’s candid response garnered support and praise from her fans and followers, who commended her for being open and honest about her body.

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Many expressed their admiration for her confidence and self-acceptance, highlighting the importance of embracing one’s post-pregnancy body and not succumbing to societal pressures.

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