Pallaso, Kabaka

Kabaka Mentions He Enjoys Pallaso’s Music, Invites Him to Perform at His 68th Birthday

Team Good Music singer Pallaso was left overjoyed upon the Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II inviting him to his birthday, and mentioning that he enjoys his music.

On 13th April 2023, the Kabaka of Buganda commemorated his 68th birthday at the Lubiri Palace in Mengo.

The 68th birthday festivities were graced by several dignitaries in politics, entertainment, and religious leaders among others.

Midway through the festivities, the Kabaka revealed that during his routine exercises, he enjoys listening to one of Pallaso’s songs.

Pallaso, Kabaka
Pallaso shaking Hands With the Kabaka (Photo: CBS FM)

He added that ahead of his 68th birthday, he informed one of his sons Jjunju to invite Pallaso to entertain him and his guests.

This saw Pallaso thrilled, as it is unusual for the Buganda traditional leader to declare his adoration for certain members of the music industry.

ALSO READ: Princess Sheilah Nvanungi Wants This Year’s Kabaka Birthday-Run Called Off Gives Her Reasons

Having been given the opportunity to perform at Kabaka’s birthday, Pallaso was congratulated by his followers and fellow musicians for reaching such a tremendous milestone.

Have a look at the video below.


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