Pastor Andrew Jjengo

Pastor Andrew Jjengo, wife celebrate the arrival of their bouncing baby boy

Kawala-based Revival Church lead Pastor Andrew Jjengo and his wife Kyomugisha Phiona have welcomed a bouncing baby boy.

Kyomugisha Phiona gave birth last night, at Lubaga Hospital in Kampala. At present, the mother and the baby are still in the hospital, awaiting to be discharged.

Based on reliable sources, the mother and the baby are in good health condition.

The visibly excited Pastor Andrew Jjengo could be seen calling the newly born baby, embracing the new role of a father.

Pastor Andrew Jengo, Pastor Andrew Jengo and his girlfriend, Pastor Andrew Jengo' wife

The exciting news has been met with excitement from the couple’s followers and well-wishers, wishing them all the best in their new journey as parents.

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By press time, the baby had not been named yet, but we shall keep you posted as more information comes in.


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