Geosteady, Prima Kadarshi

Prima Kadarshi claims Geosteady is now below her standard

Renowned socialite Prima Kadarshi has revealed that her ex-boyfriend and baby daddy Geosteady is now below her standard.

Prima Kadarshi and Geosteady fell out several years back before each finding peace and solace in their respective new partners.

Yesterday, Goesteady announced the welcoming of his newborn baby, with his fiance Hindu Kay.

While appearing in a TikTok livestream, Prima Kadarshi acknowledged Geosteady being a new father in town.

Prima Kadarshi, Gesteady

As Prima proudly flaunted her physical transformation, her colleagues wondered why Geosteady would lose her as his wife.

ALSO READ: Geosteady and Hindu Kay welcome their bundle of joy

In response, Prima cheekily revealed that she eyes men of a better standard compared to Geosteady based on her accomplishments and wouldn’t consider reconciling with him.


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