Spice Diana

Spice Diana Reveals She Avoids Comedy Shows Due to Disrespectful Comedians

Recently, there has been a surge in complaints regarding comedians insulting individuals during comedy shows under the guise of humour.

This week, singer A Pass expressed his dissatisfaction with comedian MC Mariachi for disrespecting the young Rango Tenge Tenge at a recent comedy show at Comedy Store.

Joining the chorus of discontent is singer Spice Diana, who disclosed that she stopped attending comedy shows due to the disrespectful behaviour of comedians towards the audience.

Spice Diana pointed out that many comedians tend to target celebrities in the crowd, leaving them feeling disrespected and demoralized.

She shared an incident where a colleague of hers almost got into a physical altercation with a comedian who made comedy out of her past relationship.

Spice Diana

Furthermore, Spice Diana emphasized that while some jokes may seem harmless to some, they can be hurtful to others, leading to conflicts.

ALSO READ: Spice Diana Unveils a Brand New Range Rover

As a result, the Source Management singer urged celebrities to carefully review their material before performances to avoid using celebrities and audience members as the butt of their jokes.


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