Zedmonk Ssabatontomi

Ugandan Rapper Zedmonk Ssabatontomi bags new World Record for the Longest Rap Marathon

Zedmonk Ssabatontomi, the Ugandan talented rapper embarked on an incredible journey to break the record for the longest rap marathon by an individual.

Just a few hours ago, he began his marathon at the Namaste Lounge and bar in Kampala, and the support he has received from his supporters, fellow artists, and fans has been overwhelming.

The current record, standing at an impressive 48 hours, 1 minute, and 10 seconds, seemed like a daunting challenge. However, with determination and passion, Zedmonk has successfully surpassed this record today, marking a significant milestone in his career.

As of the latest update, Zedmonk took a well-deserved 55-minute break to rest and recharge before continuing his performance.

His goal is to reach an astonishing 80 hours of continuous rap, pushing the boundaries of what has been achieved before.

Zedmonk Ssabatontomi

Once Zedmonk concludes his rap marathon, he will eagerly await official confirmation from Guinness World Records.

RELATED: Ugandan Rapper Zedmonk Ssabatontomi to Set a New Guinness World For the Longest Rap Marathon

To ensure his achievement is recognized, he will submit all the necessary documentation, including video evidence and witness testimonies.


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