Weasel, Sandra Teta

Weasel And Lover Sandra Teta Set To Hold Traditional “Kukyala” Ceremony

Singer Weasel of dynamic duo Radio and Weasel has revealed that soon he will be taking a step closer to his marriage with baby mama Sandra Teta.

The singer who made the revelation in an interview with Spark Tv noted that Sandra Teta has blessed him with two kids, and he saw it wise to return the favor by meeting her parents.

Weasel who is known for siring kids with different women stressed that he has done everything in life, and he feels it is the right time he settles with the mother of his two kids.

Weasel, Sandra Teta

READ ALSO: Radio and Weasel Not Ready To Sue Ronald Alimpa Of The “Sean Don” Fame For Redoing Their Song

The Bwoayo star didn’t disclose the date of the ceremony but hinted that it will be held in Rwanda where Sandra’s parents reside.

He pointed out that though tickets to Rwanda will be expensive, the pair will offer a few to their invited guests to grace the function.

In Bantu tradition, before any marriage proceedings, the groom has to first visit the yet-to-be bride’s parents.

We wish the pair all the best


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