Alien Skin, Biswanka

Alien Skin’s intervention saves Biswanka from being thumped by thugs at Galaxy Carnival | VIDEO

Alien Skin came to the rescue at the Galaxy Carnival 2024, preventing Biswanka from being assaulted. In a video obtained by this website, Biswanka, who had been openly criticizing Alien Skin for a few months, was confronted with the threat of physical harm.

Thankfully, Alien intervened, restoring order and bringing relief to Biswanka. The emotional moment was captured as tears streamed down Biswanka’s face while he humbly knelt before Alien Skin, expressing his gratitude and respect.

It is worth noting that in recent months, Alien’s associates had been reprimanding Biswanka for disrespecting the boss, often resorting to physical violence.

However, this particular incident at the carnival showcased a different dynamic, with Biswanka sharing a positive interaction with Alien before taking the stage for his performance.

Alien Skin, Biswanka

As Biswanka took the stage for his performance, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and camaraderie, with both he and Alien Skin setting aside their differences for the greater good.

ALSO READ: Biswanka Embroiled in a Physical Altercation With Alien Skin Security Personnel | VIDEO

It was a moment that left a lasting impact on both individuals and those who witnessed it, emphasizing the importance of unity and solidarity in the face of adversity.


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