Canary Mugume

Canary Mugume Wondering How Untouchable Sipapa Obtained State Security

Next media news anchor Canary Mugume questions the capacity that qualifies city socialite Olim Carles alias Sipapa as eligible to obtain state security.

Canary’s concern comes after a tweeter user accused Sipapa of scratching his car while cruising a numberless black land cruiser VX V8.


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The accuser identified by his Tweeter handle Ben, says after scratching his car while driving in the wrong line, Sipapa threatened to shoot him since he had armed UPDF soldiers in his car.

Ben adds that Sipapa sped off after inflicting damages on his car leaving him to foot the required costs.

Canary who has received several reports regarding Sipapa’s poor traffic manners, stresses that the socialite is untouchable even top-ranking security officers fear him, and none of them knows how he acquired armed state security.


Sipapa responding to Canary’s claims, took to his Facebook account provocatively asking God to save him because even girls without beards are talking about him.

Mediating the matter, the Assistant Inspector-General of Police Asan Kasingye through his tweeter account urged the complainant to report the matter to the police, and he should be notified in case any officer refuse to register the case.



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