Daudi Mugema

Gospel Singer Daudi Mugema Grappling With Cancer

Distressing news on our desk indicates that Daudi Mugema, a highly regarded singer renowned for his “Katonda Wa Banaku” song is currently facing the immense challenge of battling cancer.

According to Daudi Mugema, his health complications began after being apprehended and held at Kireka Police Station, resulting in the development of severe issues in his feet.

Subsequently, upon seeking medical attention at the Uganda Cancer Institute, it was discovered that his leg had been afflicted by cancer.

In an effort to combat this formidable disease, Daudi Mugema underwent chemotherapy, which led to him occasionally donning a cape due to the hair loss caused by the treatment’s side effects.

Regrettably, despite enduring years of cancer treatment, chemotherapy has not yielded the desired results, with his leg deteriorating day by day.

Daudi Mugema

Consequently, he has turned to herbal remedies, which have provided some relief and improved his mobility compared to before.

However, this alternative treatment comes at a significant cost, and Mugema finds himself without a reliable source of income.

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Therefore, he appeals to the generosity of well-wishers, particularly for financial assistance, to alleviate his current predicament.


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