Juliana Kanyomozi

“I am Beyond That. Don’t Involve Me in Music Battle Talks.” Juliana Kanyomozi

As various musicians and stakeholders continue to express their opinions on the music battles, songstress Juliana Kanyomozi has disassociated herself from the buzz, arguing that she is beyond that.

The Cindy vs. Sheebah music battle’s climax set the door for the emergence of subsequent musical duels with Jose Chameleone and Bebe Cool being the most recent to indicate interest in locking horns.

The battles, however, drew conflicting reactions from music lovers, with some pointing out that they were doing more harm than good to the music industry.

Others, on the other hand, contend that music battles are a means of financial gain for those musicians who intend to indulge in them.

Juliana Kanyomozi

During the just concluded ‘World of Sounds’ event at Kampala Serena Hotel, Juliana Kanyomozi was tasked to remark on the ongoing music battles in the industry.

In her response, Juliana noted that she is past such conversations and wouldn’t want to be involved in them. She however added that she has no issues with whoever is willing to take part in music battles, claiming that it is a business decision and wouldn’t counsel adults on what to do or not.

ALSO READ: Keko Reveals She Is Open to a Music Battle With Navio

Please Am asking you don’t involve me in those talks of who is better than who. I think I am beyond that. I am not trying to despise anyone, but as a person, I don’t think there is anything still new to prove. However, for those who decide to do music battles, it’s fine. It is a money-making thing it is a business. So my two sisters by the way are much better today as we speak, which is good.

But I think what the audience wants is what they give you. The audience seems to love it right? I think everyone should do what they want because I can’t tell grown people what to do.


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