Juliana Kanyomozi, Iryn Namubiru

Juliana Kanyomozi and Iryn Namubiru criticize the media for attempting to actualize their conflict

Songbirds Juliana Kanyomozi and Iryn Namubiru have criticized the Ugandan media for attempting to actualize their conflict.

Following the neutralization of their singing duo i-jay, rumors had it that Juliana Kanyomozi and Iryn Namubiru could no longer see eye to eye.

In their conversation at the Sit Down With Juliana on YouTube, the two clarified that they have never held any grudge against each other.

The two stressed that these rumors were orchestrated by newspapers particularly Red Paper and the Observer, to see them fall apart.

Juliana Kanyomozi acknowledged that as the media did their best to actualize the animosity between them, tension between them arose.

Juliana Kanyomozi and Iryn Namubiru

Fortunately, they were friends who used to communicate, and this helped them realize that it was manipulation plotted by the media to ruin their friendship.

The two are glad that they overcame the challenges, however, expressed disappointment that the present-day media uses female musicians to fight each other and end up creating unhealthy competition.

ALSO READ: Juliana Kanyomozi and Iryn Namubiru’s link-up excite their fans

People who love us in this showbiz world of ours not everything you read or hear about us is true. People will make up staff just to sell, get numbers, like, follows, you know at the end of the day we love and support each other and we have grown together why would we even?
Juliana Kanyomozi said


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