Producer Didi

Producer Didi Checked into Rehab for Mental Health Support

Renowned producer Didi born Abdul Karim Muchwa has been checked into a rehabilitation centre to restore his mental state.

Earlier this year, Producer Didi publicly announced how he had contracted HIV/AIDS, before turning an anti-HIV/AIDS activist.

However, based on Producer Didi’s social media activity, his mental state did not seem to be in an optimal condition.

This compelled the concerned caretakers including Emma Carlos, Eddy Kenzo, Coco Finger, MC Kats, and Barnabo to check him into a rehabilitation facility.

Producer Didi

ALSO READ: Didi dispels rumors of terminating his life last night

Didi’s social media handles have since been handed to a professional handler and videos deemed inappropriate were deleted to protect the producer’s reputation.


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