Azawi and Ray G

Singers Azawi And RAY G Meet And Put an End to Their Dispute

A few weeks back, Swangz Avenue singer Azawi and Ray G had a disagreement in Mbarara regarding who had to perform first at the comedy Store event.

This incident caused a lot of chaos online as netizens expressed their opinions about what had transpired between the two talented musicians.

It is believed that the misunderstanding between the two singers resulted in Ray G being targeted with flying objects at the just-concluded “Enkuuka Tobongoota” on December 31st in Lubiri, Mengo.

Earlier today, however, the two musicians set aside their egos and linked up to address their misunderstandings.

Azawi, Ray G,

It is widely believed that they have expressed their apologies to one another, resolved their past misunderstandings and captured the moment as a symbol of reconciliation.

ALSO READ: Ray G Pelted With Bottles At Enkuuka in Lubiri -Mengo | VIDEO

The pair’s decision to solve their past misunderstandings has excited their fans, who have taken to the comment section to convey their excitement.


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