Geosteady, Prima Kadarshi

Prima Kadarshi’s Advice to Baby Daddy Geosteady: Prioritize Music, Not Women

Socialite and beautician Prima Kadarshi has urged her baby daddy Geosteady to prioritize his music career, rather than chasing after women.

While criticizing singer Shakiraa Shakirah’s poor musical talent during a live TikTok broadcast, one commenter revealed they lost interest in Geosteday’s music.

In response, Prima defended Geosteady, revealing that over the years he has held successful concerts.

However, she noted that what is lagging him behind is his focus on women, rather than his music career.

She hence advised him to shift his emphasis from women to his career – employ good music writers, and music managers as the only way to place his career somewhere at the pinnacle of Uganda’s music industry.

Prima Kadarshi, Geosteady

Prima maintained that Geosatedy is good with a bright future, however blamed women for veering his career off the intended course.

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Furthermore, Prima Kadarshi urged netizens to avoid sexual manipulation, before deeming women as serpents.


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