Manager Lubega Roger, Ziza Bafana

Ziza Bafana, Manager Roger Burry the Hatchet, the Latter Surprises the Former on His Birthday

Dancehall singer Richard Kasendwa alias Ziza Bafana and his former manager Lubega Roger have earlier today buried the hatchet.

A few years back Manager Roger put down his working tools as Ziza Bafana’s manager before embarking on managing Spice Diana.

However, following the pair’s fallout, Ziza Bafana came public and accused manager Roger of sabotaging his career claiming he was paying numerous media personalities not to play his music.

Ziza Bafana went on to question why would Roger be determined to end his career, yet he is the one who introduced him to the music industry.

Based on the most recent development, however, the pair’s misunderstandings are a mystery now that they have reached a common ground.

To cement the pair’s new relationship chapter, manager Roger reached out to Ziza Bafana earlier today on the latter’s birthday and surprised him with a cake, and a solo guitar among other goodies.

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Bafana expressed gratitude to Roger and apologized where he might have wronged him. The dancehall singer also noted that Roger was the first to buy a table ahead of their show tonight, worth Ugx 1M.

Manager Roger acknowledged that Ziza Bafana indeed introduced him to the music industry and the connections that made it easier for him to operate in the business.


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